According to emails received:
The following registration plates were deemed (by an eye witness), to be connected to the abduction of Kristen DYER-CAMPBELL, who was last seen this
afternoon in Paris, as detailed; "...the girl matched the photo of Kristen (as posted on,
https://annegelicrisio1273.wixsite.com/kristendyercampbell/post/kristen-dyer-campbell-is-still-missing-in-paris), and was seen at around lunchtime
today; it was obvious she was forced by her shoulder to walk forward by a man of Arab decent entering a car with registration "FD534ZY (91)" in the
first district, 75001 (her two young children with her but driven by a white 4WD car that accompanied him (car registration listed below)); he wasn't
acting alone, it appeared he was collaborating with the following vehicles for whatever reason... it was certainly suspecious... AM807KM (68); BK004DK
(92); GA061TF (92); GA395PF (13); FK862NG (91) PLUMBING VAN; FV826AE (75); ...and finally an international logistics company from the UK (www.etl-
logistics.com), car registration is Great Britton (GB) E7ETL, who were this morning delivering boxes that possibly contained film production material to
the INSTITUT de PHYSIQUE du GLOBE de PARIS (www.institut-langevin.espci.fr) - an email has suggested their involvement in the illegal filming of women
and children abducted for the sex-trade and raped on video tape and uploaded online for pornographic footage on foreign sites.
This afternoon it is also documented that Kristen, under the guard of police who held her at gunpoint, has been forced to sign 6 documents after being forced 2 heroin injections and 1 line of cocaine (against her will); the documents were relating to rental agreements, work contracts and a forced marriage to an Arab man unknown to our family but well known to police, in particular Commander Peuch and SuperInt. Mr Soleil... who according to the emails received, both know where my daughter is and are busy trafficking her and her children by force filling their pockets with tax free incentives; in addition, filming the rape's to fraud voluntary prostitution, keep their hands clean and reputations intact. Kristen is a rape victim not a prostitute and the video's the police took that they sold to ETL Logistics (who uploaded them on Thai and USA Website) obviously show Kristen being brutally gang raped by force.
Both The Commander, Mr Peuch and SuperInt. Mr Soleil can not be touched by the law, as they say they ARE THE LAW and are waiting for their promotions as Police Commissioner, for keeping everyone quiet!
In Continuance:
The cars have also been sighted parked at rue Buffon, 75013, at 5:30pm - although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, everyone is innocent until
proven guilty and it is important to note that at this point in time, there is no evidence to support the above mentioned information sent to
This morning I accidently met with a police officer in "Luxembourg Train Station (Subway)" that I haven't seen in almost two years. I gave him my
website in hope that after reading it, he may be able to offer any iformation that would lead to finding my daughter, Kristen Dyer-Campbell, still
missing at the hands of police... if anyone has any information that would help me to find my Daughter and her children, please contact me on TEXT
DIRECT +33 0 632 296 443 or find me sleeping at CDG International Air Port Terminal 2E, after 8pm.
Thank You,
Anne Lucy Gelicrisio